Sunspots 978
Things that I have spotted that may be of interest to others:
SciTech Daily reports that fish can recognize and react to human divers.
Naturalis Histori...
Sunday Recap 3.13.16
Here is a recap of yesterday’s message… Our mission is not defined by the
size of our BUILDING but by the size of our CALLING. There are
approximately 18,0...
This site used to be the place for responding to my Tuesday Column... that
is before Facebook took over that function. My columns are now published on
my F...
A way of life
You ever have one of those moments when something you have heard your
entire life breaks through in a new light? That happened to me this morning
on my run...
I am very simple. I enjoy getting to know people and always enjoy challenging myself to take new steps of faith, risk, etc.
Following Christ is priority number one in my life, as a matter of fact, everything else and my personal success depends on Christ's presence in my life.
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